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BII-TTBJ, A Subsidiary of BII-TSHK, Won the Bid for ZHENGZHOU METRO ...

Recently, BII Transportation Technology(Beijing) Co.,Ltd.(BII-TTBJ), a subsidiary of BII Transit Systems(HK) Co.,Ltd.(BII-TSHK), won the bid for ZHENGZHOU METRO Big Data Cloud Platform Phase I Project. This project is another representative project after BII-TTBJ participated in the construction of the AFC (automatic fare collection) Network Control Center (ANCC) of ZHENGZHOU METRO.

ZHENGZHOU METRO has accumulated abundant business and data since the opening of Line 1. It is urgent to establish an effective data management and control system, break the isolated state of information, and realize the sharing of enterprise information and data, so as to apply the results of big data analysis to the first-line operations, fulfill the monetizing process of data and fully embody the value of data. It will help optimize and upgrade the data processing system with BII-TTBJ undertaking the integration and development of the project. It is believed that with the support of ZHENGZHOU METRO, BII-TTBJ will successfully complete the project which will be delivered as is expected and create a project of fine quality.

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